The Blacksmith Shop located at 2925 N 84th street Omaha, NE, is dedicated to teaching the ancient art of blacksmithing. Using tools of the trade that reach back to antiquity, we will teach you how to manipulate the metal into art that will last for generations.


The Blacksmith Shop is located at 2925 N 84th street in Omaha, Nebraska 68134.

https://www.google.nl/maps/place/2925+N+84th+(41.2863906, -96.0435175)

For more information, visit our website at www.blacksmithomaha.com, or call us at (402) 680-9626 to schedule a time and place to discuss the possibilities of hand forged iron, or to take one of our weekend classes.


Elmo Diaz: (402) 680-9626
Email: elmodiaz@hotmail.com

Mailing Address:
2925 N 84th Street
Omaha, NE 68134

15 Responses to ABOUT US

  1. Matt says:

    How much are weekend classes and when is next available class?

  2. Will says:

    Do you sell tongs?

    • We have most items needed for blacksmithing. Currently I have forges, hammers, coal, etc but not sure I have tongs on the shelf. Feel free to stop by the shop any afternoon or call and I can tell you the inventory on hand.

  3. Paula Grupe says:

    Do you ever do custom work for people?

    • Yes we can do custom work. Give me a call 402-680-9626

      • Jim Wiskus says:

        I just noticed the question and your response to Paula G. Here’s my deal, I have a secretary that was my grandmothers. It is missing a drawer pull or bail. I only need one. I am thinking it’s steel. I need to get the magnet out. J I would be happy to send you a photo if that would help. Thank you so much for what you do. Jim Wiskus

      • Hi Jim, give me a call and let’s see what we can do . 402-680-9626

  4. Amy Fried says:

    I will be moving to Omaha in December.
    I have always wanted to take a blacksmithing and knife making class.
    With COVID-19 and everything, will you have classes in 2021?
    Thanks and take care,
    Amy Fried

  5. Erik samuelson says:

    hey I was wondering if you guys do apprenticeships at all. and if so how I would go about applying

  6. Justin Sanders says:

    Is your October 1-2 class basic class full? It says usaf beside it, what does that mean? Trying to get into a basic class with my son. Let me know if you have opening.
    Justin Sanders


    do you sell coal? And if so what would be the cost

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